Fishing Report


It seems as if winter is not going to give up without a fight. Low temperatures have been chilly by October standards statewide, as mid 20’s to low 30’s have ensued across the Old North State. Regardless of cold overnight readings, temperatures during the day have been relatively comfortable. Cold air is eroded by mid morning throughout this week, as temperatures rebound into the upper 60’s to low 70’s in most spots.

Putting the weather into the fishing equation…The overnight temps may slow the trout down a bit, but they are still active right now. Big, spawning brown trout reacting to the colder water temps are in search of larger prey items to stock up for the colder months. This means streamer patterns such as the Woolly Bugger, Zonker, Sheila Sculpin, Sculpzilla, or even a Zoo Cougar are taking fish. Drift your streamer of choice through a “fishy” run, giving it a few twitches and short darts. If you are more of a dry fly kinda guy/gal, BWO’s are hatching in sizes of about 18-22 “ish”. Stimulators and Elk Hair Caddis in “smaller than average” sizes are also enticing fish to the surface. Midges in small sizes (24-28) are also working.

Here’s the lowdown…

Delayed Harvest (DH) waters-  The DH streams are doing well, following NCWRC’s stocking. These fish are more inclined to take most flies you put in front of them as long as it’s presented properly. They can be a little selective, but nothing compared to Catch & Release waters. Use just about any fly you want on DH waters…Nymphs to dries, streamers to wets…It’s your call.

The “D” (Davidson River)- The hatchery section of the “D” has been fishing well lately. After the flooding rains we experienced a few weeks ago, the “D”  looks like it’s been reconstructed on “Exstream Makeover: Riparian Edition (anyone?)… The hatches on the stream haven’t changed much. Midges, midges, midges… Blood midges, olive midges, black midges and cream adult midges are still on the menu for these fish. Try a thread midge in #22-30 or an olive WD 40 (#18-24). Light tippet is a must if you plan on catching fish on the “D” right now…2x isn’t gonna fool these fish around the hatchery.

To sum it all up, everything looks great…water levels, temperatures, fishing, etc. …Have at it!!

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